Women's Plans Foundation

Women’s Plans Foundation, a charitable trust raising funds for contraception and family planning, has been making grants to DFAT-accredited non-government organisations working in the Asia Pacific region since 2004.

These grants, an integral part of overseas aid, are to make contraception and family planning available to those who have limited or no access to family planning services and to provide education about and advocacy for family planning.

Multiple pregnancies in close succession imperil women's lives, keep families poor, limit girls’ access to education, challenge family health and burden the resources of developing nations. Eighty-six percent of future population growth will be among the poor in the third world.

The expanding world population is a significant environmental factor.  The world's population has quadrupled in the past hundred years. There are almost 8 billion people and more than half live in poverty. Yet around half of births are unplanned and a quarter, unwanted. 

©️ Photo Tom Greenwood - CARE

©️ Photo Timothy Buckley

'Contraception protection is something every woman must have access to, to her control her own Destiny.'

- Ruth Bader Ginsberg

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